Wednesday 29 August 2007

Meieve & Beouwolf

To those who do not know of my not-so-illustrious "endeavours" in a game called meRO (Malaysian English Ragnarok Online), Meieve & Beouwolf had a history of their own.

Suffice to say, the origins of Meieve came from an Indonesian Tiong Hua friend of mine, who studied in Singapore a few years back.

To this day, I'm always grateful to him for the two characters, in which I passed one to my sister, and one to myself.

To this day, the name Meieve is automatically synchronous with my sister's name, Yee Wernshiang.

Haha, and yeah, I got Beouwolf, and it stuck with my pen name. For a long, long time.

and if you notice my blog, its got a link to her's.
Yeap, my sisters.

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