Friday, 30 May 2008

A quote owned, borrowed or adapted?

There was an interesting incident over the cyber cafe today. Yes, I am at the cyber cafes because I can't get a decent connection in the house I am in. Too many Xunlei clients hogging a 1mb connection (if I count correctly, there are supposed to be 3) without any QoS split in the broadband router makes me an unhappy human being.

So what happened? A friend asked me to use Zoosk. So it happened that it was some sort of a networking tool that can be added as an application in your Facebook(tm) account. Pretty nifty fort those in need of finding a social network of the opposite sex, but not exactly my type as I'm not the very approaching type.

But here's a question that struck me. "Write a quote", or "Write a story". Where do you begin? Where do you end? What do you reply when people ask you "describe yourself?" How do you know if your answer is what they seek, yet at the same time successfully describe yourself?

It struck me that we have many ways of approaching this question from different angles and meeting a different criteria. In interviews, its different. In common 1st time encounter, its also different. So what do you do? How will you do?

I did nothing. I just hoped that I will get to know them better over time, and let them get to know me better over time too. Pretty dull for many if one may insist, but that's me.

So, do you borrow a quote, make your own, or adapt a quote to "quip" it as yours?

That question left me hanging for a moment when I wanted to try to make an approach towards a girl whom I wanted to know her more today. Oh, she's my superior from the finance department (but we didn't meet today because she fell ill. I hope she gets well soon.) during my 9 day tenure as a Mark's & Spencer staff (I work for their stock take event).

Funny, because I restrained myself. Because lack of confidence.

I wish you people out there to have more guts. Best of luck to you, and me, and everyone.


Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Facebook account as a front

Hello everyone. I'm not posting this because I'm bored, neither am I posting just to spam post so that my blog looks livelier.

It doesn't matter. But here's something interesting I've noted about my Facebook account.

Right now, its a place where everyone spams "i love you', 'I miss you', etc. And I delete them, cordially without returning them.

Does that make me a jerk? Maybe.

Does that make me an ungrateful person? Maybe.

Does that make me an ugly person (characteristic wise)? Maybe.

On one side, I don't mind my friends or colleagues never leaving a real note. When I mean a real note, I mean something that has a slight personal touch in it. A picture is a picture, a pictar is a pictar. If you don't get what I mean, all I mean to say is that a picture that you send me is a picture, while a picture that you copy-paste from somewhere else will remain as a "picture that you copy-paste from somewhere else" and send me. It is that simple.

I don't mean that you shouldn't send me pictures, drawings or greeting card. However, a personal message included in it means something personal to me. I am a sentimental person, after all. I work, live and play with emotions attached.

oh well. You can reach me at hyperyouth_firepower [at]hotmail[dot]com for my facebook account. Hope to meet you there.

Stock take counts

Hello everyone. Its been a long time.

Let me update what has happened.

I've moved place. Let's see.. I'm now over at SS2, Petaling Jaya with my cousin. I'm going to move back to Johor later at July.

I'm also working for Marks & Spencer. As a stock taker. Here's some interesting insight.

I've managed to find myself a part time job as a stock taker in Mark's & Spencer. It is really a refreshing experience (even though the work can be boring). I've met many kinds of people, and I've worked hard enough to survive for the rest of the month (and god willing, for June either).

Stock taking is basically making a count check on your stocks, to see if the items that you have in inventory tallies with the one that you have physically or not. Different companies uses a different system to perform their stock takes, but as for now, I will not divulge anything. Let me put it in this way, just to give an idea (what is allowed).

I have worked in many places related to Mark's & Spencers.
I have worked in 3 retail outlets, with 1 more coming up (if the working agency gets it).
I have an idea how Mark's & Spencer will move in its merchandizing directions.
I have come to understood how Mark's & Spencers (Malaysia) works and operates at operational level.
I have also had the opportunity to work for Mark's & Spencers (Malaysia) and DHL (you know which one you are) and experience first hand how their day to day operations take place.

On the bright side, I have gained my employer's trust and eye to see that I'm a qualified and dedicated staff. Although it has only been a week, Mark's & Spencers have already placed their trust in me equivalent of a insider staff worker (as in like a permanent staff).

I thank Arubaito Mukuya for introducing this job to me.

And as you may have it, I've met many interesting people. I cross my fingers in hope that I can continue to continue a certain professional relationship with these people in future.

It was fun, even if that was just part time job.